Would you like to make your safety training classes more interesting so that your trainees pay attention and remember more after the class? Interactive training activities are the answer! This free...
Do you know how to play BINGO? Safety BINGO is very similar but instead of relying on chance to win, the participants must know the answers to clues about the...
Safety Lotería is just like Safety BINGO but with images! Supervisor Safety Training Lotería covers a wide variety of general safety topics and is not just for supervisors. Check it...
The Safety Trainer's Badge Book is a free resource to keep you on track. It is also a great tool for your Train-the-Trainer programs. There are 50 different safety training...
Safety trainers know the value of using images in their safety training materials but have you considered infographics? Infographics are widely available and are a great way to get the...
A great activity for any topic related to chemical hazards or any topic that covers injury and illness prevention for specific body parts.
A-Z Race is a great way to review class material and is a great way to summarize class content at the end of training.
Download this free heat stress infographic to help anyone working in the heat to recognize ways to do it more safely.
Do you like Safety Lotería? If you are unfamiliar with it, it is a safety training game similar to bingo but instead of random letters and numbers, it is played...
This free file includes the English and Spanish version of the "7 Tips for Training 7 Types of Trainees Infographic." If you'd like to go deeper sign up for...
Podcasts are a great way to provide training content to trainees anytime and anywhere. To read the article that goes with this infographic, visit:
This infographic summarizes a guest post by Gwen Navarrete Klapperich, M. Ed, CPTD, Chief Learning Consultant of Klapperich International Training Associates, a talent development firm that specializes in employee training...
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