Safety Concentration

August 29, 2024

Safety Concentration

Dual Coding Activity

Many of the safety training activities on this website and found in the many SafetyFUNdamentals books rely on dual-coding including Safety Lotería and Safety Sequence. (You can read more about Dual Coding theory in The Safety Training Net Newsletter site). 

A simple dual coding activity for safety training is Safety Concentration. Many people are familiar with the card game concentration which involves putting all cards in a deck face down on a table and then having players take turns picking up two cards to see if they match. While this game is purely for fun and relies on memory, it can be adapted to create a dual-coding safety training activity. To do this, create a Safety Concentration deck by getting 50 index cards, and adding an image related to your safety training topic to one side of each of 25 cards and a word or phrase related to each on the other 25 cards. Cards should be shuffled and placed face down on a table and teams asked to take turns picking up two cards they think go together. For example, a pictogram for compressed gas can be on one side of one card and the text “compressed gas” can be on one side of another card.  The cards are still placed face down so the memory exercise is similar to the traditional concentration game. To make the activity more challenging, a safety-related statement related to compressed gas can be on a card instead, such as “When finished, leave with the date and “MT.” This makes matching the cards a little more challenging. Just like in a traditional game of concentration, every time a matching pair is found, a team or individual gets to keep the two cards and take another turn. The game continues until all cards have run out. At that time, teams count up their number of cards, and the team with the most is declared the winner. For an additional review, it is a good idea to ask the winning team to review the pairs they have collected at the end of the game as one final review for the class. A sample set of Safety Concentration cards has been created for VIP subscribers of The Safety Training Net. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can do so here.

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