Finding Stories for Storytelling in Safety Training
The following story is all over the news here in my hometown of NJ because if you are familiar with the Cake Boss Buddy Valastro, you know he is from this area. This is a really a bazaar accident but no doubt one that safety professionals will be able to analyze and in it find some "lessons learned" to share with trainees if appropriate.
Training as Punishment
Training and re-training should not be used as a punishment and often, training is not the answer for a variety of safety problems. If training is thought of as a punishment, any future new training you try to get the workforce excited about will not be seen in a positive light.
Covid Safety Lotería
If you need to present basic Covid safety training, here is an easy interactive activity that is free to download
Using Music Legally in Safety Training
How did Michael Scott from the Office end up costing his producers $60,000? He sang a few lines of "Two Tickets to Paradise" without permission. Using others music in safety training as well as television shows, movies, etc. is usually illegal and can result in having to pay damages.
Appreciation for Safety Professionals on Labor Day
OSHA's website states Labor Day " a day to reflect on how workplace conditions have improved over the course of our nation’s history, and to look ahead at what we can do to continue making workers’ lives better."With this description, Labor Day is really a day of appreciation for all safety and health professionals.
Plan to Join Us in the Training Treehouse!
Welcome to the Training Treehouse! Every month, I'll be hosting a meeting where we can brainstorm a solution or ideas for a different safety training challenge. On September 18th, we will be talking about the design of a simple safety training game and a bit about gamification. Hope you can join us in the Training Treehouse!
Work from Home Infographic
Are you or your co-workers working from home? It's easy to just set yourself up on the sofa and try to work all day but soon your back and neck will ache. Check out the pointers in this FREE Work From Home Infographic.